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Old 09-15-2017, 11:29 PM
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AussieTom, you are right on the mark. 18-8 stainless is just forks and spoons or anything around the kitchen.

My Lincoln handbook is falling apart, but it's the best 50 cent book I've bought at a thrift store in a long time.
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Old 09-16-2017, 04:27 AM
AussieTom AussieTom is offline
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Originally Posted by USMCPOP View Post
AussieTom, you are right on the mark. 18-8 stainless is just forks and spoons or anything around the kitchen.

My Lincoln handbook is falling apart, but it's the best 50 cent book I've bought at a thrift store in a long time.
That is something that i think is lacking in my generation and the generation im starting to see come through as apprentices. The general knowledge is not there, or maybe more correctly, not required. I have gotten to the position i am in by sticking my nose in every time something interesting comes by, and taking away every scrap of knowledge i can from the experience. As the old blokes start to retire and fade away, im being called on more and more, and im realizing how much i dont know. Those old books, and a proper apprenticeship/journeyman system produced much superior tradesman. The current logic, at least as far as i see it, is to treat tradesmen as idiots, and put all the intelligent decisions in the hands of graduate engineers with 3 months experience flying a desk. You would be amazed at the number of discusions ive had with engineers where ive sugested something that to me is blindingly obvious, and they either run off and put it through their computer system, then come back 3 days later as if it was their idea, or alternatively, say something along the lines of "what would you know, your just a monkey with a hammer.....". Its frustrating when you have to do things the hard way for no good reason.

Deep breath,

Rant over. My apologies.

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Old 09-16-2017, 07:40 AM
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Blast this!
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Probably the best answer I heard to that Ausie is. " I have 5 years education ,where your train driver only took four." Plumber to a engineer.
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Old 09-16-2017, 05:14 PM
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When welding stuff like that I always use a needle gun to peen the crap out of each weld immediately after welding. It does reduce the cracking tendency.
At work I'm sure folk would crap a brick should I pull out one of my needle guns I have at the farm, but for specifics, if one follows the same intents of doing an Almen strip test and graph the outcomes would be equal. lol

Welding and repairing farm implements have always found my use of needle guns for most every weld placed in work.

Goes much faster than using the peen end of a chipping hammer.

FWIW, when I see a pattern immerge on the surface of the beads, I call it quits rather than peening the shit out of it.
God, if you would grant me one request through Prayer, please help me be the Man my Dog thinks I am. Please.

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Old 09-16-2017, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by AussieTom View Post
snip................or alternatively, say something along the lines of "what would you know, your just a monkey with a hammer.....". Its frustrating when you have to do things the hard way for no good reason.

Deep breath,

Rant over. My apologies.

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Some times the monkey with a hammer can get mighty tempted to give the engineer a good whack with said hammer, but that would be considered hammer abuse and probably do no good whatsoever in the long run .
I too have had "discussions" with engineers over the years and have grown cynical about the intelligence of some of them.
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Old 09-17-2017, 08:20 AM
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Do be careful that you have especially good ventilation when welding high-manganese steel.
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Old 09-17-2017, 05:53 PM
JBFab JBFab is offline
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Originally Posted by USMCPOP View Post
Do be careful that you have especially good ventilation when welding high-manganese steel.
Good call manganese is one of those that can cause brain and speech impairment with heavy doses.
I believe the appropriate metaphor here involves a river of excrement and a Native American water vessel without any means of propulsion.
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Old 09-17-2017, 06:04 PM
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Originally Posted by JBFab View Post
Good call manganese is one of those that can cause brain and speech impairment with heavy doses.
Ssssay what? Hhhhuh? My ssscreen is kinda blurry. Never did trust the Manganese after they bombed Pearl Harbor.
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Old 09-18-2017, 03:41 AM
AussieTom AussieTom is offline
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Thanks for the saftey heads up. Job has been pushed aside for the moment. Big rush on spooling, then a unobtanium heat exchanger. Thing will be sitting in the corner haunting me though.

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exotic, mangaloy, manganese

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