When I worked for a landscaping company me and a buddy got sent to a church to do warranty replacements on some boxwood shrubs in their courtyard and we also had to pull up about a dozen pavers scattered about and replace them with bricks that had been engraved with names. We did the pavers first and there was a little old man and 2 old ladies there to supervise us. Lets just add that it was some kind of baptist church and my buddy and I were the only 2 white folks to be found on the property. And that didn't matter beyond the fact that neither one of us knew the proper timing for throwing in "amen" and "praise jesus" in the conversation and it made things very awkward So then it was time to pull the shrubs up. These things were dry and brittle and completely dead. I grabbed the first one and rocked back on it as my buddy worked on the root ball with a spade and as it pried out, we found that it was buried completely in what seemed like a very coarse gray/white sand. We looked at each other like what the hell kind of dirt is this and who thought a bush would grow in it? I tossed it in the wheelbarrow and that brought the wrath of old lady number one. "Young man, you are not to take ANY soil from this garden. Clean those roots off!" I stood there confused Old lady number 2 apologizes- "those are human remains, its all the people who's names are on those bricks" The old man was sitting on a stone bench and he slaps the armrest "This is my wife!" My buddy and I both looked at each other and he got a bit pale. I'm sure I was too. We spent the next hour taking turns holding shrubs up while the other knocked "grandma" off the roots with a shovel while the 2 old ladies supervised. I don't think that set up is really a proper final resting place.
Handcrafted Leather |
The second casket has been completed, ready for delivery on Monday to El Paso, TX. I started photographing the steps early on but got in the zone and and forgot about the camera.
I started with the floor, then built the sides. Once the sides and ends were complete, I sanded inside and out and rounded over the edges with the router. This is where the photos were interrupted. The lids came next, complete with plugging the screw holes with dowels. The hinges are surface mount black door hinges from Lowe's and the latches are what you would use to keep table leaves closed. I did remember to take a shot after the handrails were made and a shot of some of the equipment being used, a Delta table saw and Dad's trusty DeWalt radial arm saw. That DeWalt must be 65 yrs old or more. Finally finished the woodworking and hauled it home to install the liner. After the liner was in, plunked it into the back of my truck and it is ready to ship.
Bill in sunny Tucson I believe in gun control. Gun Control: The ability to consistently hit what you are aiming at. Weldor by choice, engineer by necessity. |
Very nice.
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Brian You don't know what you don't know. "It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." John Wooden |
Nice work, Bill. I think anyone would be pleased to rest in that box
Gerry You got freedom of speech, if you don't say too much. Aaron Neville. When a liberal screams racism, you can bet they were also born with white skin. Common sense is like deodorant. The people that need it most never use it. Joe Concha |
Another nice build!!!
Drawing by Smartdraw |
Nice looking box, Bill. What's the empty weight on it finished, and is any stain planned for it?
Let FAITH be bigger than your FEAR. ***** Pray like everything depends on God, and work like everything depends on you. ***** The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion. --St. Mother Teresa ***** In life it's important to know when to stop arguing with people and simply letting them be wrong. ***** Live like you are dying......because you are. |
Long day today. Started at 7:00 am, drove to Hatch, NM to take care of paperwork for the burial on Saturday. From Hatch drove to El Paso, TX to deliver the casket to the funeral home. Fueled up, got dinner, back to Tucson by 9:30. My guess is 650-680 miles without looking at the odometer.
No finish on the box, just a plain brown wrapper. Weight is ~100 board feet of sugar pine, maybe 120 lbs max. Plenty stout to handle the occupant. Sad to say the bickering has started. The survivors (2) have agreed to one (1) executive of the estate. There was no will, so any real property will go into probate and the court will decide how they split the proceeds. I just hope the executive can sell the house before it goes into foreclosure. The bickering is over personal property and Lord knows how that will go.
Bill in sunny Tucson I believe in gun control. Gun Control: The ability to consistently hit what you are aiming at. Weldor by choice, engineer by necessity. |
Design to 0.001", measure to 1/32", cut with an axe, grind to fit.. |
Box looks comfortable!
Guy at the range had a fairly large box for his guns with that kind of fabric in it over a pillow-like foam the pistols would sink down into. Always full of wit, I says "Do you have a little blanket you are going to cover them up and tuck them in?"
TA Arcmaster 185 w/tig/stick kit MillerMatic 252 w/3rd gen 30A MM140 w/o AS, w/CO2 Hobart (Miller) 625 plasma Hobart 250ci plasma Victor O/A (always ready, but bored) HF 80 lunchbox w/tig 45ACP Black Talons for those stubborn jobs... |
Just got back from Hatch, NM. A lot of stories, a lot of crying, then laughing, then crying, then laughing. I had the foresight to buy a fifth of bourbon last night and we toasted a farewell to a great compadre.
Bill in sunny Tucson I believe in gun control. Gun Control: The ability to consistently hit what you are aiming at. Weldor by choice, engineer by necessity. |
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