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Old 02-23-2007, 09:11 AM
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Default Fuel gas ??????

Well I spent the day searching varrious sites and I am still without an answer. I have had many O/A outfits over the years, but when I moved into this shop, my insurance inspector bagged me for having an O/A set. Getting rid of it saved me BIG $$$$ on premiums. The local fire inspector and insurance company take their jobs serious and I get visited unannounced every year. I miss not having a torch in the shop and an alternative fuel gas might be acceptable to the insurance co. I worked on a turnaround for Exxon and we used propane and it's no big deal once you get used to it but you can't weld with it. Can you weld with any of the other fuel gases, MAPP or propylene? I know Shade and others are using some of these gases. I need some enlightenment here. I know about hose type T, but what about hose diameter, tank sizes, and O2 usage? I got a line on a good deal for a Smith MD rig but I need to know what gas I'm going to use before I get it.
One extremely happy former convict of the penal colony that lies between NY, PA, and DE. Now living the good life much further south. where they don't know what fucking Carhartts are.
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Old 02-23-2007, 09:38 AM
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Mac, are you saying that your insurance premiums would be lower with using O2 and Mapp or ProP or Propylene? Or that you just think they might be lower?

Personally, I don't see that difference.
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Old 02-23-2007, 09:59 AM
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Acetylene is the bad boy as far as the insurance co. is concerned. They don't care about the oxodizer. I have a very good insurance agent that takes very good care of me and by getting rid of the O/A, I saved $2K.
One extremely happy former convict of the penal colony that lies between NY, PA, and DE. Now living the good life much further south. where they don't know what fucking Carhartts are.
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Old 02-23-2007, 02:57 PM
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Old 02-23-2007, 05:19 PM
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I thought there was a thread here about propylene but I couldn't find it when I did a search, maybe I spelled it wrong. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction GWIZ.
One extremely happy former convict of the penal colony that lies between NY, PA, and DE. Now living the good life much further south. where they don't know what fucking Carhartts are.
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Old 02-24-2007, 11:37 AM
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There is no way I could live without torches. Buy/make a small enclosed trailer, and park it outside. Put your torches inside the trailer with enough hose to go inside. Tell the insurance co to piss off, as its not in your building and is mobile... Problem solved
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