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Shade Tree Welder Shade Tree Welder is offline

Grumpy Bastard

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. clive
    09-17-2020 09:07 PM
    Shade, would you by any chance have a relative known as J. D. Lemke who served on the USS Harry E. Hubbard in 1968/69? They called in to our town in NZ and we had a party where we met him.
  2. milomilo
    03-30-2020 05:52 PM
    Got this message when trying to upload pics to the Scott's Tractor thread.

    Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

    If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
  3. Shade Tree Welder
    12-20-2019 04:49 PM
    Shade Tree Welder
    Some is selling you a load of chicken shit...
  4. randydupree
    12-20-2019 04:14 PM
    tell me about water soluble oil being used in a radiator on a diesel engine to prevent solder bloom and electrolysis.
    Good,bad,no gain?
  5. milomilo
    12-06-2017 02:57 PM
    Check my question on my gear reduction thread please.
  6. tackit
    07-12-2016 08:37 PM
    Ron I don't know how to get you the photos of my head stock to you by PM.
  7. Shade Tree Welder
    03-09-2016 10:39 AM
    Shade Tree Welder
    Sberry, no he is not.
  8. Sberry
    03-09-2016 10:22 AM
    Is Mark at Everlast a Bud of yours? I wouldn't mind testing a 140 inverter. I don't need to buy any more but at the price they really could be a bargain.
  9. Lew Hartswick
    06-07-2013 09:58 AM
    Lew Hartswick
    Re Dickson tool post. From HSM post. I have a list of IMG links for the pix on PhotoBucket
    if you can use them to look. Don't think I want to bother the SFT with them. I can
    probably find a few better ones in my "picture" file and e-mail them if you want. There are
    several threads on these in other forums. I have contributed to over the years. I didn't
    even know what they were called for a long time. I just referred to them as the ones
    on the Clausing/Metosa lathes at School . :-)
  10. karl-nc
    03-16-2013 06:59 PM
    thanks for your input and advise. got my unemployment approved. also got my last check yesterday which included vacation time. do i have to report that to unemployment?

About Me

  • About Shade Tree Welder
    Chemist, welder and pretend to be able to machine.
    Kankakee County, IL
    Hunting, Fishing, & Farming
  • Signature

    "Prepare to defend yourselves."
    -- Sergeant Major Basil L. Plumley, Ia Drang Valley


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 01-09-2025 10:34 AM
  • Join Date: 06-05-2004
  • Referrals: 10


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