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bunkclimber bunkclimber is offline

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  1. bunkclimber
    09-16-2019 05:30 AM
    I don't have a forge so I use oxy torch when I need to forge and 'sculpt'..last bit I did was two axles shafts,cut them in the middle to shorten them,then tig welded with some nickel rod,then heated and lightly peened them over the HAZ..turned out OK haven't broken yet..when they do Ill just weld em up again..I do have an anvil I guess its about 150lbs,old but OK to use,horn is OK,rest looks good but has a broken foot, was given to me,an old time auctioneer across the street on his farm was cleaning out his back barn,he walked across the street to my shop and asked me-'you need an anvil? come get it and its yours' -my kinda deal! anyway on another note,I forwarded your name and number(yes I have YOUR number!)to a guy named Glyford-he has a lathe for free just come get it hes in Mass..i think its a 13x48 engine lathe..hes over on Machine Builders Network(MBN) no guarantees..I was gonna go get it but after assessment I need to build a shop like you did
  2. allessence
    09-12-2019 03:28 PM
    It was crazy without the speed up. LOL.. I am to picky now to use the speedup tech.

    It was one of those things that why waste an opertunity to teach. it doesn't really make much sense to upset such a large section, unless of course you don't have any choice.

    People seeing this being able to happen I think is important.

    I did go out and buy some 1.250 sq stock so at some point will just use that for another mandrel and film that as well.

    with the right sized stock it cuts the time to less than half.

    Have you been forging much?
  3. allessence
    09-05-2019 07:43 PM
    In regards to?

    I am building a new shop. the thread is on SFT and on iforgeiron I don't believe

    No video on building a new shop, Though there are a bunch of other forging aspects.

    there is one video on putting up and down of the smoke stack on the trailer.

About Me

  • About bunkclimber
    electrican,welder,hydraulic mech
    xpermtl develpr
  • Signature
    Mig, Tig, Saw, Heat, Plasma, Turn, Bend, Grind and Blast
    Lift, Load, Push, Compress, Generate, Illuminate + Elevate
    Not Enough Room to do it least at the same time.


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  • Last Activity: 06-05-2023 05:37 AM
  • Join Date: 07-28-2006
  • Referrals: 0


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