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Conversation Between Lew Hartswick and Shade Tree Welder
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Shade Tree Welder
    06-07-2013 10:24 AM
    Shade Tree Welder
    Lew, Actually feel free to post them on the SFT Machining forum. Yes I would love to look at them, can you post the link. Thanks.
  2. Lew Hartswick
    06-07-2013 09:58 AM
    Lew Hartswick
    Re Dickson tool post. From HSM post. I have a list of IMG links for the pix on PhotoBucket
    if you can use them to look. Don't think I want to bother the SFT with them. I can
    probably find a few better ones in my "picture" file and e-mail them if you want. There are
    several threads on these in other forums. I have contributed to over the years. I didn't
    even know what they were called for a long time. I just referred to them as the ones
    on the Clausing/Metosa lathes at School . :-)
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