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Conversation Between allessence and USMCPOP
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. allessence
    02-09-2023 08:24 PM
    Hi Pops..

    I'm sorry I haven't replied.. I just now saw the message.. SFT hasn't been sending me notices the way it's supposed to..

    Yes, Richmond for an event and then Scottsville to see my Mom. I had a shot at going down in March to demonstrate but they found someone else.

    I'd love to come by for a visit.. I really do need to go and see my Mom.. So maybe I'll still take a time in the spring.

    I am teaching at the Penland center in SC end of July..

    I would love to swing by then maybe.. WE will figure out something for sure.

    Kindest regards Jennifer
    12-18-2022 07:30 PM
    Hey, Jenn, just thinking about older times here. You came by Richmond one time, visiting your Mom I think. We didn't connect at that time.

    Anyway, if you get by this way again, please stop by my place. I have a lot of cool stuff and no one to give it to who will appreciate it.

    Anyway, make note of my contact info just in case you need it:

    Richard Linn
    12105 Spring Creek Drive
    Midlothian, VA 23113

    H (804) 323-0703
    C (804) 614-5623
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